Debt and Financial Vulnerability on the Verge of Retirement
June 30, 2017Abstract: We analyze older individuals’ debt and financial vulnerability using data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) and the National Financial Capability Study (NFCS). Specifically, in the HRS we examine three different cohorts (individuals age 56–61) in 1992, 2004,… Read More »
Financial Capability of American Adults: Insights from the American Life Panel
February 10, 2017Summary: While providing a wide range of financial capability indicators, the National Financial Capability Study (NFCS) lacks information about important determinants of financial outcomes, such as individuals’ health and cognition, and does not offer a precise, quantitative assessment of critical variables,… Read More »
The National Financial Capability Study: Empirical Findings from the American Life Panel Survey
November 22, 2016Summary: The National Financial Capability Study (NFCS) is an ongoing study first conducted in 2009. It is commissioned and supported by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, in consultation with the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the President's Advisory Council on… Read More »
October 03, 2016Abstract: We study entrepreneurship among Baby Boomers using data from the US Health and Retirement Study (HRS). Using two different definitions of entrepreneurship (being self-employed and being a business owner), we compare entrepreneurs to non-entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who were age… Read More »
Women and Retirement Security
September 30, 2016Summary: Our research investigates whether and how older women’s current and anticipated future labor force patterns has changed over time, to evaluate the factors associated with longer work lives and plans to continue working at older ages. For our empirical… Read More »
September 29, 2016Macrofinancial Symposium: Links between Financial Markets and the American Economy
Financial Literacy Seminar with Annamaria Lusardi, Financial Literacy Around the World: Insights from S&P Global FinLit Survey
April 27, 2016Watch the video.
Financial Literacy: A Global Perspective
December 07, 2015International Seminar: Financial Education in Brazil and in the World (in Portuguese)
The Effect of Financial Education on the Quality of Decision Making
June 29, 2015Abstract: We introduce the concept of financial competence, a measure of how closely individuals’ choices align with those they would make if they properly understood their opportunity sets. The concept is firmly rooted in the principles of choice-based behavioral welfare analysis and… Read More »
Inattention and Inertia in Household Finance: Evidence from the Danish Mortgage Market
March 20, 2014Watch the video.
Active vs Passive Decisions and Crowd-Out in Retirement Savings Accounts
April 18, 2013Watch the video.
Do Consumers Know How to Value Annuities? Complexity as a Barrier to Annuitization
March 21, 2013Watch the video.
Retiree Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Spending: A Study of Consumer Expectations and Policy Implications
March 07, 2013Watch the video.
Experimental Evidence of the Efficacy of Financial Education for Adults: A Cross Experiment Comparison
December 13, 2012Watch the video.
Early Withdrawals from Retirement Accounts During the Great Recession
November 29, 2012Watch the video.
A Complex Portrait: An Examination of Small-Dollar Credit Consumers
November 15, 2012Watch the video.
A Complex Portrait: An Examination of Small-Dollar Credit Consumers
November 01, 2012Watch the video.
Social Security and Retirement Decisions: The Impact of Knowledge and Framing
October 04, 2012Watch the video.