GFLEC is honored to contribute in far-reaching ways to the understanding of why financial literacy matters and is grateful for the partnership of preeminent collaborators, supporters, and partners. At the same time, we are gratified by the acclaim, accolades, and awards we have received for our work.
Although we have spent 10 years connecting research, policy, and solutions, we have barely begun. We will continue to build a global network of researchers to raise the field of financial literacy to the next level. We will continue to translate research into action, including through public policy and financial education. And we will continue to advance research that will help address inequality in financial literacy and financial wellbeing. We know our work can transform lives and turn dreams into reality. We know because we have already seen it happen.
Since 2011, GFLEC has been active in conducting research, disseminating our findings, informing policies, and developing tools and programs. This milestone timeline reflects our highlights through the years.
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GFLEC launched at the George Washington University School of Business
Director Lusardi offers a keynote lecture at the Banque de France: Saving and Portfolio Choice of Households: Macro and Micro Approaches in Paris, Palais Brongniart.
“Financial Literacy. Implications for Retirement Security and the Financial Marketplace”
Annamaria Lusardi and Olivia S. Mitchell | Oxford University Press -
Director Lusardi presents at the II International Workshop on Economic and Financial Education in Medellín, Columbia.
“Financial literacy and stock market participation,” by Maarten van Rooij, Annamaria Lusardi, and Rob Alessie is published in the Journal of Financial Economics.
Launch of the Fed/GFLEC Financial Literacy Seminar Series (FLSS)
“Financial Literacy Around the World: An Overview,” by Annamaria Lusardi and Olivia S. Mitchell, is published in the Journal of Pension Economics and Finance. All time most cited article in the Journal of Pension Economics and Finance.
“Financially Fragile Households: Evidence and Implications,” by Annamaria Lusardi, Peter Tufano, and Daniel Schneider is published in the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity.
Oxford University Press publishes Financial Literacy: Implications for Retirement Security and the Financial Marketplace, edited by Annamaria Lusardi and Olivia S. Mitchell.
First personal finance course for graduate students offered at the George Washington University.
National Numeracy Network’s inaugural 2012 Steen Award given to Director Lusardi.
“Numeracy, Financial Literacy, and Financial Decision-Making,” in Numeracy, 5(1), Article 2, January 2012. Winner of the inaugural Steen Award.
Director Lusardi presents at the American Academy of Arts & Sciences: Financial Literacy Project.
Director Lusardi awarded Denit Trust Distinguished Scholar and Professor of Economics and Accountancy by GW School of Business.
In Turin, Italy, Director Lusardi spoke at the Financial Literacy, Saving and Retirement in an Ageing Society Conference organized by CeRP, Collegio Carlo Alberto.
GFLEC and the WorldPensionSummit hosted the Global Financial Literacy Summit (GFLS) in Amsterdam.
Director Lusardi receives William E. Odom Visionary Leadership Award from the Jump$tart Coalition.
Director Lusardi offers a keynote address on financial literacy and good governance at the Maldives Finance Forum.
The 2012 National Financial Capability Study data is released at a Washington, D.C. event co-hosted with the FINRA Investor Education Foundation.
Launch of the International Federation of Finance Museums in New York City
Through the support of the European Investment Bank Institute, Director Lusardi and Dr. Rob Alessie spearhead the Financial Literacy Programme.
First OECD/GFLEC Global Policy Research Symposium to Advance Financial Literacy held in Paris, France
GFLEC and the WorldPensionSummit host the second Global Financial Literacy Summit (GFLS) in Amsterdam.
Director Lusardi presents at the Citi-FT Financial Education Summit in Hong Kong, organized by the Citi Foundation, the Pearson Foundation and the Financial Times.
Director Lusardi presents at TEDxFoggyBottom to an audience of more than one thousand people about her research on financial literacy.
“The Economic Importance of Financial Literacy: Theory and Evidence,” by Annamaria Lusardi and Olivia S. Mitchell, is published in the Journal of Economic Literature.
U.S. Treasury invites Director Lusardi to present on debt and financial fragility.
U.S. release of the 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) with the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
PISA Financial Literacy Assessment. Director Lusardi directs the financial literacy experts group that designed the financial literacy assessment. This publication explains their work.
Director Lusardi awarded Denit Trust Chair of Economics and Accountancy by GW School of Business.
Director Lusardi presents at the International Organization of Securities Commissions in Rio de Janeiro.
Screening of FINRA Foundation’s Thinking Money documentary, which includes Director Lusardi.
Director Lusardi honored with the William A. Forbes Public Awareness Award from the Council for Economic Education.
Carlo de Bassa Scheresberg, Sr. Research Associate, presents on the financial capability of working women at the SEC’s American Retirement Initiative Winter 2015 Summit.
Keynote Address at European Money Week is given by Director Lusardi. She speaks about “Financial Literacy and Economic Outcomes: Evidence and Policy Implications.”
Inaugural annual Cherry Blossom Financial Education Institute held in Washington, D.C.
Director Lusardi presents at the 2015 White House Conference on Aging.
“Bankruptcy Rates among NFL Players with Short-Lived Income Spikes,” by Kyle Carlson, Joshua Kim, Annamaria Lusardi, and Colin F. Camerer is published in the American Economic Review.
Colston Warne Lecture is given by Director Lusardi at the ACCI Annual Conference. Her lecture focuses on financial literacy and high school students.
Director Lusardi testifies before the ERISA Advisory Council, U.S. Department of Labor.
Executive Director Kristen Burnell presents at the American Federation of Teachers TEACH Conference on why financial education in school is important.
“Financial Literacy Skills for the 21st Century: Evidence from PISA,” Colston Warne Lecture by Annamaria Lusardi published in the Journal of Consumer Affairs
Director Lusardi receives the Financial Literacy Award from the International Federation of Finance Museums.
Joint release of the S&P Global Financial Literacy Survey findings with the World Bank and S&P Global.
Director Lusardi ranked among the Top Female Economists by RePEc.
Financial Literacy Micro-Credentials for secondary school teachers are made freely available.
FINRA Investor Education Foundation and GFLEC co-host the release of the 2015 National Financial Capability Study data.
Personal Finance Course materials for a higher education course are made public.
Director Lusardi offers a keynote address on financial literacy at the Mexican Pension Funds Association National Convention in Mexico City.
GFLEC Entrepreneurship among Baby Boomers Conference held in Washington, D.C.
Director Lusardi organizes and moderates a workshop panel on financial literacy at the G20 Conference, Digitising Finance, Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy.
“Optimal Financial Knowledge and Wealth Inequality,” by Annamaria Lusardi, Pierre-Carl Michaud, and Olivia S. Mitchell is published in the Journal of Political Economy.
Financial Literacy Curriculum for Girl Rising
GFLEC and Girl Rising partnered to create financial education lesson plans for K–12 students.
Director, Committee for Financial Education: Director Lusardi is appointed by Italy’s Minister of Economy and Finance, Pier Carlo Padoan, as director of the newly established Financial Education Committee, and held the first meeting of the Committee in Rome.
Italy’s Minister of Economy and Finance, Pier Carlo Padoan, and his delegation visits GFLEC. Given Director Lusardi’s appointment as Director of Italy’s new Financial Education Committee, the visit reaffirms the scope of Director Lusardi working with policy makers to promote financial education in Italy.
As the winner of the Skandia Award, Director Lusardi presents on “Financial Literacy and Long-Term Financial Security” at the Swedish House of Finance Open Seminar in Stockholm.
Dr. Andrea Hasler presents financial literacy research findings at the Federal Student Aid Training Conference in Orlando, Florida.
Director Lusardi is listed among the top 1% of Clarivate Analytics Most-Cited Researchers in Business and Economics.
Director Lusardi received the Skandia Research Award on Long-Term Savings.
Top 10 most cited articles (4) on Cambridge University Press Journal of Pension, Economics, and Finance.
The findings of the inaugural TIAA Institute-GFLEC Personal Finance are presented at the OECD-CVM Regional Seminar on Financial Education in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
“Six Questions to Help Determine Your Financial Health” is one of the top 5 wealth-management articles in the Wall Street Journal
GFLEC Partners with the Markets Authority of Québec.
Director Lusardi is presented with the 2018 Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg Prize for Scholarship, The George Washington University.
Dr. Hasler joins the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada’s Financial Research Committee.
Director Lusardi receives the 2018 Ketchum Prize, FINRA Investor Education Foundation, for outstanding service and research to advance investor protection and financial capability in the U.S.
The OECD-Russia Symposium on Financial Literacy in Moscow includes a presentation by Director Lusardi, “Financial Education: Young People in the Digital Age.”
President Sergio Mattarella of Italy receives Director Lusardi to discuss financial education.
Director Lusardi and GFLEC Chair Diana Crossan speak on the panel “Retirement Savings for All – The Importance of Financial Literacy and FinTech Solutions” at the 2018 Singapore FinTech Festival.
First personal finance course for undergraduate students offered at the George Washington University.
GFLEC and the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) partner to promote evidence-based programs to improve financial literacy in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Fast Lane launches with the aim of providing a research-based toolkit to promote financial education in high school.
Director Lusardi participates as a panelist at the 2019 FORTUNE CEO Initiative Annual Meeting in New York City and speaks about the impact and components of effective workplace financial wellness programs.
The State of Financial Education: Making the Case for College and Career Legislative Panel at Capitol Hill: Research Associate Hallie Davis speaks about GFLEC’s mission and effective financial literacy programs for college students.
Dr. Hasler presents GFLEC research on the use of mobile payments by Millennials at the ADBI-WSBI Conference as part of the G20 Conference in Tokyo.
“Financial Literacy Among the Young” is one of the most cited works in the Journal of Consumer Affairs.
Inaugural Asia Pacific Financial Education Institute hosted by GFLEC and Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics at the Singapore Management University in Singapore.
Director Lusardi gives the Kahneman Lecture at the 2019 IAREP-SABE Conference in Dublin. In her presentation, “Financial Literacy for the Greater Good,” she illustrates the crucial roles of financial literacy and financial education.
Director Lusardi presents GFLEC research to Central Bank Governors with a keynote presentation titled “Financial Literacy as a Solution to Rising Household Debt.”
Director Lusardi addresses the Annual Meeting of the World Bank Group at the session “Boosting Financial Literacy to Improve Livelihoods and Economic Prosperity.”
Director Lusardi and GFLEC Chair Diana Crossan are “FinTech Opportunity in Personal Finance” panelists and speakers at the 2019 Singapore FinTech Festival.
Workplace Financial Wellness Roundtable – GFLEC and TIAA Institute organize a roundtable discussion, “Financial wellness: What is it? How do we make it happen?“
Director Lusardi is included in the Forbes list of 100 most successful women in Italy.
Director Lusardi interviews TIAA CEO Roger Ferguson as part of GWSB’s George Talks Business series. They discuss workplace financial wellness, the P-Fin Index, financial literacy, racial and ethnic divides, as well as lessons in leadership.
COVID-19 Financial Resilience Hub, offering resources for personal financial management, made freely available to the public.
RePEc recognizes Director Lusardi as being among the top 10% of female economists.
Director Lusardi’s video message accompanies the OECD’s release of the 2018 PISA financial literacy data.
“Defined Contribution Plans and the Challenge of Financial Illiteracy,” by Jill E. Fisch, Annamaria Lusardi, and Andrea Hasler, is published in the Cornell Law Review.
“Financial Literacy and Financial Resilience: Evidence from around the World” published by Financial Management. Award for best paper in Fall 2020 issue of Financial Management.
Director Lusardi interviews Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, president of the Charles Schwab Foundation, about ways that financial literacy can be an important tool to address socioeconomic inequalities.
Launch of the Connecting to Reimagine: Money & COVID-19 webinar series.
Remaking Retirement. Debt in an Aging Economy. Olivia S. Mitchell and Annamaria Lusardi (eds). Oxford University Press, 2020.
GFLEC named Barron’s 2020 Financial Empowerment Honoree.
Portuguese Minister of Education joins a Connecting to Reimagine: Money & COVID-19 webinar.
Director Lusardi participates in the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion’s high-level international symposium, “Coping with new (and old) vulnerabilities in the post-pandemic world,” in Rome.