Organized by the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD)’s International Network on Financial Education (INFE), this event addresses cutting-edge policy issues and research ideas to advance the global financial literacy agenda. The OECD/GFLEC Global Policy Research Symposium to Advance Financial Literacy series addresses topics such as financial literacy around the world: evidence and implications; influencing behavior: the impact of the institutional framework; leapfrogging: innovative ideas across fields; and translating research into policy and practice. Attendees include high-level international and OECD researchers; officials and experts from ministries of finance and education, central banks, and regulatory and supervisory authorities; officials of state governments, international organizations, and NGOs; and representatives from the academic community and private and civil sectors.
The 5th OECD/GFLEC Symposium focused on effective financial education for sustainable and inclusive growth. The event took place on May 18, 2018.