Financial Literacy Conference

June 21, 2012

8:30 am - 5:30 pm


The George Washington University School of Business

Improving Financial Literacy and Capability: What Works?

The objective of this conference is to present the innovative ideas and work of the Financial Literacy Center teams. Each presentation provides a brief project overview, insights on what works to improve financial literacy and financial capability, and a discussion about what remains to be answered with further work.

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Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6 | Video Gallery

Presentation of the Financial Literacy Center
Annamaria Lusardi, GFLEC

SESSION 1 | Understanding and Measuring Financial Literacy

Watch the Videos from Session 1 ➤

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SESSION 2 | Financial Literacy among Young People

Watch the Videos from Session 2 ➤

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SESSION 3 | Financial Literacy among the Middle Aged

Watch the Videos from Session 3 ➤

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SESSION 4 | Financial Education in the Workplace

Watch the Videos from Session 4 ➤

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SESSION 5 | Financial Literacy Close to and After Retirement

Watch the Videos from Session 5 ➤

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SESSION 6 | Financial Literacy for Vulnerable Groups

Watch the Videos from Session 6 ➤

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Video Gallery of the Event

SESSION 1 | Understanding and Measuring Financial Literacy

Presentation of the FLC [16:39]
Annamaria Lusardi, GFLEC

Measuring Financial Literacy and Financial Capability [6:22]
Annamaria Lusardi, GFLEC

Measuring Financial Literacy and Financial Capability [10:23]
Arie Kapteyn, RAND

Understanding the Geography of Financial Literacy in the U.S. [14:05]
Chris Bumcrot, Applied Research and Consulting

Optimal Knowledge and Wealth Inequality [7:22]
Olivia S. Mitchell, Wharton

Discussant [12:45]
Gary Mottola, FINRA Investor Education Foundation

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SESSION 2 | Financial Literacy among Young People

Introduction [9:42]
Melora Heavey, American Institute of CPAs

Building Financial Literacy for K–8 Pre-Service Teachers and Adult Learners [10:41]
Dorothy Wallace, Dartmouth College

Five Steps to Financial Planning Success [16:04]
Joanne Yoong, RAND; Anya Savikhin, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Demonstrating the Returns to Work for Children after SSI [12:14]
Jody Hoff, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Discussant [9:32]
Billy Hensley, National Endowment for Financial Education

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SESSION 3 | Financial Literacy among the Middle Aged

The Persistence of Defaults: When, Why and for Whom? [14:23]
David Laibson, Harvard

Do Financial “Health” Checkups Prompt Behavioral Changes? [13:22]
Matthew Darling, ideas42

Discussant 1 [9:23]
Janet Garkey, Credit Union National Association

Discussant 2 [10:28]
Sarah Holden, ICI

“The Storm to Come”: A Conversation about Annuities [42:22]
Moderator: Catherine Weatherford, Insured Retirement Institute
Panelists: Olivia S. Mitchell, Wharton; David Laibson, Harvard

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SESSION 4 | Financial Education in the Workplace

Evaluating Workforce Financial Education and Encouraging New Hires to Save for Retirement [13:58]
Annamaria Lusardi, GFLEC

Can Commitment Savings Help Americans Be Better Prepared for Retirement? [16:17]
David Laibson, Harvard

Discussant 1 [7:19]
Sol Carbonell, Boston Fed

Discussant 2 [8:30]
Dan Iannicola, Financial Literacy Group

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SESSION 5 | Financial Literacy Close to and After Retirement

How Financial Advisors Influence Social Security Claiming [13:32]
Mathew Greenwald, Mathew Greenwald & Associates

What Are the Real-World Framing Influences on Retirement Claiming Behavior? [15:55]
Arie Kapteyn, RAND

Improving Understanding of Retirement Health Care Expenditures [18:35]
Howell Jackson, Harvard Law School

Discussant 1 [5:19]
Ken McDonnell, Insured Retirement Institute

Discussant 2 [5:10]
Ryan Wilson, AARP

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SESSION 6 | Financial Literacy for Vulnerable Groups

Introduction [2:43]
David Rogofsky, Social Security Administration

Improving Legal Immigrants’ Access to Financial Services [12:41]
Silvia Barcellos, RAND

Raising Awareness of Tax-Time Saving Options (for the low-income population)
Encouraging Better Financial Decision Making Among Low-Income and Minority Groups [25:00]
Nick Maynard, Doorways to Dreams

Discussant [9:53]
Jeanne Hogarth, Federal Reserve Board

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