Defined Contribution Plans and the Challenge of Financial Illiteracy
June 13, 2019Abstract: Retirement investing in the United States has changed dramatically. The classic defined-benefit (DB) plan has largely been replaced by the defined-contribution (DC) plan. With the latter, individual employees’ decisions about how much to save for retirement and how to… Read More »
Retirement Savings for All – The Importance of Financial Literacy and FinTech Solutions
January 04, 2019Watch the video.
Financial Literacy and the Need for Financial Education: Evidence and Implications
December 19, 2018Introduction Throughout their lifetime, individuals today are more responsible for their personal finances than ever before. With life expectancies rising, pension and social welfare systems are being strained. In many countries, employer-sponsored defined benefit (DB) pension plans are swiftly giving… Read More »
Evaluating Workforce Financial Education and Encouraging New Hires to Save for Retirement
June 21, 2012Watch the video.