The 5th Cherry Blossom Financial Education Institute was held on April 11-12, 2019. Researchers from around the globe presented their work in Washington, D.C. This year’s Institute was sponsored by the National Endowment for Financial Education and MFS Investment Management.
GFLEC is proud to announce the winners of the Financial Literacy Research Award. Philippe d’Astous of HEC Montréal has won for the paper he submitted to the Institute, entitled “Tax-Sheltered Retirement Accounts: Can Financial Education Improve Decisions?” Gopi Shah Goda of SIEPR, Stanford University also won for her paper, entitled “Who is a Passive Saver Under Opt-In and Auto-Enrollment?”
We thank the National Endowment for Financial Education for sponsoring the award.
Session Chair: Annamaria Lusardi, GFLEC
Enrichetta Ravina, Northwestern University: “Retirement Savings Adequacy in U.S. Defined Contribution Plans” Paper | Presentation |
Gopi Shah Goda, SIEPR, Stanford University: “Who is a Passive Saver Under Opt-In and Auto-Enrollment?” Paper | Presentation |
Session Chair: Billy Hensley, National Endowment for Financial Education
Philippe d’Astous, HEC Montréal: “Tax-Sheltered Retirement Accounts: Can Financial Education Improve Decisions?” Paper | Presentation |
Irina Stefanescu, Federal Reserve Board and OECD: “Out of Sight No More? The Effect of Fee Disclosures on 401(k) Investment Allocations” Paper | Presentation |
Session Chair: William Walstad, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Alycia Chin, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board: “Take-up of Financial Education: Demographic Characteristics and Prior Knowledge” Paper | Presentation |
Kim Huynh, Bank of Canada: “Financial Literacy and the Demand for Cash” Paper |
Chair: Annamaria Lusardi, GFLEC
Monika Bütler, Professor of Economics and Public Policy, University of St. Gallen: “Financial Knowledge and Retirement Decisions: Insights from Switzerland” Presentation |
Session Chair: Michael Staten, The University of Arizona
Alberto Rossi, University of Maryland-College Park: “Crowdsourcing Financial Information to Change Spending Behavior” Paper | Presentation |
Neil Bhutta, Federal Reserve Board: “Paying Too Much? Price Dispersion in the U.S. Mortgage Market” Paper | Presentation |
Session Chair: Gary Mottola, FINRA Investor Education Foundation
Tim Kaiser, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin): “The Effect of Financial Education on Downstream Financial Behavior” Paper | Presentation |
Carly Urban, Montana State University: “Minor Bank Account Laws, Account Ownership, and Downstream Outcomes” Paper | Presentation |
Chair: Andrea Hasler, GFLEC
David Robinson, Professor of Finance, Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business: “From Nest Egg to Seed Investment: Empirical Evidence from ROBS Plans” Paper | Presentation |
Session Chair: David Fernandez, Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics, Singapore Management University
Georgios Panos, University of Glasgow: “Financial Literacy and Attitudes to Redistribution” Paper | Presentation |
Susan Krische, American University: “The Impact of Financial Literacy on Negotiation Behavior” Paper | Presentation |
Session Chair: Katherine Sauer, National Endowment for Financial Education
K. Jeremy Ko, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: “Encouraging Broker and Adviser Background Checks: A Randomized Study on Twitter” Paper | Presentation |
Dennis Philip, Durham University Business School: “Financial Literacy and Fraud Detection” Paper | Presentation |
Hallie Davis, GFLEC: “An Introduction to Fast Lane” Presentation |
Karsten Walker, Alpine School District: “Utah Financial Literacy” Presentation |