Companies worldwide can further business goals and
support their employees by promoting financial wellness.
The promotion of financial literacy by business leaders can promote business goals and support employees. Clients, employees, and other target groups are more likely to make better financial decisions and achieve financial well-being if they are financially literate. GFLEC research has demonstrated the positive link between financial knowledge and financial decision-making. Additionally, the TIAA Institute-GFLEC Personal Finance Index, fielded in January 2020, found that people who are more financially literacy spend fewer hours per week thinking about or dealing with issues related to their personal finances than those with low financial knowledge. Those who have little financial knowledge spent twelve hours a week on financial matters, including six while at work. This is in contrast to three hours spent per week by those with high financial knowledge, with one hour spent at work.
Research by Topic
Click on the topics below to see the list of research.
Further Research
Media Articles
The inaugural Cherry Blossom Financial Education Institute invites the best researchers from around the world to present their financial education research that is in progress. In addition to presentations by scholars, we have a poster session dedicated to the work of PhD students.
GFLEC in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau hosted the U.S. release of the 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) financial literacy data on July 9, 2014.
The National Financial Capability Study (NFCS) is an ongoing, multi-year project aimed at monitoring and better understanding financial capability in America. The NFCS was first conducted in 2009 and then repeated every three years. GFLEC and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation co-hosted the release of the 2012 and 2015 data.
Organized by the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD)’s International Network on Financial Education (INFE), this event addresses cutting-edge policy issues and research ideas to advance the global financial literacy agenda.
GFLEC and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation hosted the screening and discussion of the documentary, Thinking Money: The Psychology Behind Our Best and Worst Financial Decisions, at The George Washington University.
This video series offers concise summaries of in-depth academic and practitioner presentations, in plain English, for dissemination to a worldwide audience. For convenient viewing, most videos are between three and six minutes long.
Launched in April 2015, GFLEC’s video series, “What’s the big idea in financial literacy?,” provides brief videos on key topics within financial literacy. The speakers include members of the GFLEC team as well as its collaborators.