S&P Global FinLit Survey

About the Survey

The Standard & Poor's Ratings Services Global Financial Literacy Survey is the world’s largest, most comprehensive global measurement of financial literacy. It probes knowledge of four basic financial concepts: risk diversification, inflation, numeracy, and interest compounding.

The survey is based on interviews with more than 150,000 adults in over 140 countries. In 2014 McGraw Hill Financial worked with Gallup, Inc., the World Bank Development Research Group, and GFLEC on the S&P Global FinLit Survey.

Learn how GFLEC has promoted the S&P Global FinLit Survey around the world. Contact us here if you would like to have the S&P Global FinLit Survey presented at your event.

Findings from the S&P Global Financial Literacy Survey

Key Findings


1 in 3 adults worldwide responded correctly to three out of four topics


  • Low levels of financial literacy around the world
  • Numeracy and inflation are the most understood concepts
  • Risk diversification is the least understood concept
  • Women’s financial literacy levels are lower than men’s
  • The young are a vulnerable group and an important target for financial education programs


The survey’s goal is to provide the most accurate measure of financial literacy around the world. It also aims to provide information to policy makers, regulators, the private sector, and academics to empower them to develop effective financial education policies and programs.

Financial illiteracy is a critical barrier to financial inclusion. Because of a lack of knowledge about finance and financial products, many people are unable to access banking and financial services, and are therefore kept out of financial markets. Financial literacy is therefore highly important to people’s financial well-being and to the overall health of a country’s economy.

Data Release

Gallup | Washington D.C. | November 18, 2015

Director Lusardi’s Presentation